That book has re-readability

A broken spine for me is the no.1 sign of a fantastic book, I have books that I’ve read so many times they’re all floppy. Basically what I’m trying to say here is that I’m a chronic re-reader, I have a problem, instead of picking up the book I should be reading I grab a book I know I already love.

I think it’s because I’ve been a little stressed lately so I’ve drifted back to what I know and love, those special books that always manage to make you cry every time you read that certain chapter. This habit is not a particularly good one for a book blogger though, as unfortunately I can’t just talk about the same books over and over again. It’s a habit I’ve been trying to kick for awhile now, but sometimes nothing can beat a world you know like the back of your hand.

So in honour of my inability to escape these books…here’s a list.

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War for The Oaks by Emma Bull


Publisher: Penguin
Amazon: UK|US
Goodreads: War for the Oaks

Synopsis: Eddi McCandry sings rock and roll. But her boyfriend just dumped her, her band just broke up, and life could hardly be worse. Then, walking home through downtown Minneapolis on a dark night, she finds herself drafted into an invisible war between the faerie folk. Now, more than her own survival is at risk-and her own preferences, musical and personal, are very much beside the point.

War for the Oaks is a brilliantly entertaining fantasy novel that’s as much about this world as about the imagined one.

Review: I picked up this book in Waterstones where they were describing it as a forgotten classic, and honestly I think it is one; from reading this I can clearly see the foundations for books like Cassie Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, with its melding of the supernatural world and a very urban human environment. This book is honestly my favourite book of 2016 it’s jam packed with action and charismatic characters, I found myself unable to put it down.

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